
Wise Decisions in Seconds

Streamline your decision-making process with AI-driven insights that validate every purchase and seller – saving you time and boosting profitability, whether you're buying for yourself or your business.

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How to Use


safe dealSafe-Deal: Your Online Shopping Advisor


Start in Seconds


Visit eBay, Amazon or AliExpress


safe dealPurchase with confidence


Enjoy Smart Choices, Color Clues




Search for a reasonable price

Beware of misleading discounts - find the best price

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Check seller rating

Seller reliability ratings will help you to buy safely

Safe Deal
Safe Deal

Choose an alternative

Identify comparable alternatives that offer better quality and value, reducing the risk of a bad deal.


As Featured on

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Our core value is Independence

At Safe Deal, our core value is independence.
  • We believe in empowering our users to make informed and autonomous decisions in their online shopping endeavors.
  • We provide unbiased insights and tools to help you shop smarter and more securely, free from external influences.
  • Join us in embracing the future of independent and smart shopping.
Together, we can create a marketplace where everyone has the power to make informed and secure choices.

Data Protection

Safe Deal does not process or sell user data.
All user data remains strictly confidential, ensuring your privacy and security are always protected.

Ad-Free Experience

Safe Deal is a completely ad-free app.
Brands cannot pay us to advertise their products.
Our scores and recommendations are obtained independently, with absolutely no influence from outside brands or manufacturers.

How We Make Money?

Safe Deal operates on a transparent and ethical revenue model.
  • Revenues come from users, never from brands or manufacturers.
  • We do not accept payments for product placements or reviews, ensuring that our recommendations are unbiased and solely for the benefit of our users.
  • We earn revenue when you make a purchase through the links on our platform.
  • This means that if you click on a product link and buy something, we may receive a small commission.
    This does not add any extra cost to you.
  • The paid version: users can subscribe to the Pro version, which comes with a number of additional features and operates as a paid subscription.
This helps us keep the platform running and continue to provide high-quality, independent advice.

Company Information

Safe Deal is a US company that operates globally.
We support 55 languages and treat our users with respect, empathy, and dignity, regardless of their background or location.
Phone: +1 (650) 646-3794
Email: [email protected]
Address: 16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, Delaware 19958, US
Map of 16192 Coastal Hwy, Lewes, Delaware 19958, US

Our Mission

Our mission is to help consumers make fast, smart shopping choices, save time and money, avoid scams and poor quality products.
By providing summarized information and color-guided decisions, we empower consumers to make choices that enhance their shopping experience and elevate products quality in the market as an end result.

How Can We Help?

Contact us for advice, questions, or support in dealing with online scams

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